Report on the maximum daily time offset of the NMI NTP server for June,2017 Date MJD max offset (microseconds) 2017-06-01 57905 15 2017-06-02 57906 10 2017-06-03 57907 20 2017-06-04 57908 13 2017-06-05 57909 17 2017-06-06 57910 15 2017-06-07 57911 19 2017-06-08 57912 15 2017-06-09 57913 14 2017-06-10 57914 13 2017-06-11 57915 10 2017-06-12 57916 12 2017-06-13 57917 14 2017-06-14 57918 18 2017-06-15 57919 12 2017-06-16 57920 19 2017-06-17 57921 15 2017-06-18 57922 15 2017-06-19 57923 12 2017-06-20 57924 15 2017-06-21 57925 13 2017-06-22 57926 26 2017-06-23 57927 16 2017-06-24 57928 20 2017-06-25 57929 14 2017-06-26 57930 13 2017-06-27 57931 12 2017-06-28 57932 14 2017-06-29 57933 13 2017-06-30 57934 18 Notes: 1. The offset is the absolute value of the maximum difference of the server time from UTC(AUS). 2. The offset applies to a time interval of 24 hours centred on 0 UTC on the stated date. 3. The expanded uncertainty of the offset is +/- 3 microseconds. 4. If you have any questions, please contact Created by pctime.prl version 1.2.2 (05/2017 MJW)