GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60508

As viewed from GNSS receiver in Port Melbourne,Melbourne
Latitude -37.8284, longitude 144.9363, height 19 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1No data
2101:4604:45 2h 58m358-216493759152510
215:3720:54 5h 17m635-216693754964200
3116:5323:24 6h 31m783-21669-48398110600
4100:0001:06 1h 6m133-21659-4269032210
217:3823:59 6h 21m764-21667-4274764900
5100:0002:44 2h 43m328-21638158357810
207:2812:48 5h 20m641-216701583651280
6103:4308:59 5h 15m632-21665-17834712100
219:4722:54 3h 7m375-21673-1771188100
7100:0003:55 3h 54m470-21656468644540
220:3323:59 3h 26m413-21665463082300
8100:0002:40 2h 39m320-21651-2990814600
213:3218:05 4h 32m546-21674-2999447700
322:1923:59 1h 40m201-21652-3003483300
9100:0002:25 2h 25m291-21655-2977653900
219:2223:59 4h 37m554-21668-2988926900
10111:3618:51 7h 15m871-21671468927600
11104:4610:43 5h 57m715-216646845963900
221:3323:02 1h 29m179-216736849401900
12104:2111:13 6h 51m824-216595012701800
13100:3105:53 5h 22m646-21653-6866912500
210:3813:40 3h 2m365-21671-6867861810
14100:0006:21 6h 21m763-21657-4722366300
15101:4205:57 4h 15m511-21654-2036143100
210:0514:48 4h 42m566-21672-2037662920
16111:0814:58 3h 50m462-216702125414400
219:1623:59 4h 43m567-216652122214900
17101:0807:04 5h 56m713-21657-6976034700
18108:3615:59 7h 23m888-216696157623020
19101:5208:19 6h 27m775-21655-5332063900
20100:0002:07 2h 6m254-21641-394328910
206:3511:37 5h 2m606-21663-394339840
322:2923:59 1h 30m181-21656-394311800
21101:4304:10 2h 27m296-21652-1300921330
215:0120:27 5h 26m654-21670-1299821500
22100:0407:18 7h 14m869-21654188303210
23110:1917:13 6h 54m829-21670-2975566900
24103:2008:53 5h 32m666-21657461778820
213:4216:26 2h 44m329-216764618101440
25105:5812:08 6h 10m741-21659-5202491430
26109:4514:06 4h 21m524-21668-1399972900
218:2222:47 4h 25m531-21669-1397793500
27100:0001:24 1h 24m169-2164496381100
212:1217:27 5h 15m631-216739655830
322:0223:59 1h 57m235-2165097031520
28107:3710:45 3h 7m376-216543130924600
215:2520:43 5h 17m636-216743135788300
29106:4413:59 7h 15m871-216635674352210
30100:0005:16 5h 15m632-216583348514300
221:5223:59 2h 7m256-216603343721400
31109:0311:00 1h 56m234-216612050341130
216:1622:09 5h 53m707-21670205015990
32113:1119:25 6h 13m748-216735899871520
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of REF minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of REF minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
Local reference is a caesium beam standard S/N 299 and has an uncalibrated time offset.
Generated by v1.0.3