GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60694

As viewed from GNSS receiver in Port Melbourne,Melbourne
Latitude -37.8284, longitude 144.9363, height 19 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1No data
2103:0108:16 5h 14m630-237952405375500
213:0316:04 3h 1m363-237872402493710
3104:0610:39 6h 33m788-23798-6726285200
4105:0312:26 7h 23m888-23795-5380454600
5110:5813:59 3h 1m363-237971756791130
218:4323:59 5h 16m633-238051757061220
6107:1610:15 2h 59m360-237911051427500
215:0220:25 5h 22m646-2379810598914500
7107:4515:02 7h 17m875-23795-10384830
8100:5605:26 4h 30m541-23799-4875444200
209:3814:00 4h 21m524-23796-4877783500
9106:2313:29 7h 6m853-23795-55840111100
10100:0006:14 6h 14m749-2379825898410300
222:5523:59 1h 4m130-238042601372100
11108:4810:22 1h 33m188-237857274541410
215:5921:54 5h 55m712-238007273981430
12115:3022:23 6h 53m828-238035416021330
13100:0001:02 1h 2m125-23798-7177071810
211:4917:10 5h 21m644-23794-717762710
321:5623:59 2h 3m248-23801-717804840
14110:2917:41 7h 12m865-23798-6067245500
15100:0002:14 2h 14m269-23800-2770791410
213:0417:14 4h 9m500-23794-2772971700
321:2323:59 2h 36m313-23807-277431900
16100:0002:15 2h 14m270-23801506302400
206:3511:25 4h 50m581-23789503754300
322:1523:59 1h 44m210-23798498922000
17105:1606:20 1h 4m129-23791-4912821800
212:1718:13 5h 56m713-23800-49068810800
18100:0003:25 3h 24m410-238006335331140
219:5423:59 4h 5m491-23804633419430
19113:1119:37 6h 26m774-23795-6118943700
20109:3713:19 3h 41m444-23794-3907481010
217:4522:41 4h 56m593-23804-390748960
21102:1507:43 5h 27m656-23797-1251291030
212:5915:20 2h 21m284-23787-1251421630
22No data
23100:0004:17 4h 17m515-23799-4304303500
221:2423:59 2h 35m311-23805-4309881800
24101:0103:49 2h 48m337-237974386171410
214:3820:10 5h 32m665-238044383853200
25117:2423:30 6h 6m733-23805-520287850
26100:0001:27 1h 27m175-23804301272800
205:3610:13 4h 37m555-23790305428300
321:0723:59 2h 52m345-23803313514700
27100:0004:48 4h 47m576-238009058710
209:2212:41 3h 19m400-2379390481410
28102:5108:16 5h 24m650-237955152236100
219:0622:02 2h 55m352-238095157182800
29100:0001:28 1h 27m176-23803522062910
218:1023:59 5h 49m700-238015218102100
30109:1116:31 7h 19m880-237952118896400
31103:3409:25 5h 50m702-237921937501530
220:1422:15 2h 1m243-23807193692710
32100:4307:00 6h 17m755-237985151204500
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of REF minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of REF minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
Local reference is a caesium beam standard S/N 299 and has an uncalibrated time offset.
Generated by v1.0.3