GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60697

As viewed from GNSS receiver in Port Melbourne,Melbourne
Latitude -37.8284, longitude 144.9363, height 19 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1No data
2102:4908:03 5h 14m630-238152381325900
212:5115:52 3h 0m362-238052378443400
3103:5410:27 6h 33m787-23819-6744494900
4104:5012:14 7h 23m888-23816-5395634400
5110:4613:47 3h 1m364-238171759421040
218:3123:55 5h 23m648-238261759691020
6107:0410:03 2h 58m358-238171119377700
214:5620:13 5h 17m635-2381911278914000
7107:3414:50 7h 16m873-23815-10438930
8100:4405:13 4h 29m540-23815-4895164300
209:2713:48 4h 21m523-23817-4897523200
9106:1213:17 7h 5m852-23817-56222310900
10100:0006:02 6h 1m724-238142630639500
222:4223:59 1h 17m155-238312642002600
11108:3610:09 1h 33m188-238137270931220
215:4621:42 5h 55m712-238207270411600
12115:1822:11 6h 53m828-238235421451320
13111:3716:58 5h 21m643-23813-718074820
221:4423:59 2h 15m272-23831-718126900
14110:1817:29 7h 11m864-23817-6085725400
15100:0002:02 2h 2m245-23810-2782411430
212:5217:02 4h 9m500-23813-2784671800
321:1123:59 2h 48m337-23832-2786071200
16100:0002:03 2h 2m246-23817481932400
206:2311:13 4h 50m582-23813479344000
322:0223:59 1h 57m235-23824474472200
17105:0306:08 1h 4m130-23813-4867151600
212:0518:01 5h 56m713-23818-48611310900
18100:0003:13 3h 12m386-238156331201330
219:4223:59 4h 17m515-23827632992600
19112:5819:25 6h 26m774-23815-6130743600
20109:2513:06 3h 41m443-23815-390696830
217:3222:29 4h 56m594-23823-390695710
21102:0807:30 5h 22m645-23814-1253021130
212:4615:08 2h 21m284-23805-1253091630
22No data
23100:0004:05 4h 4m490-23812-4323693400
221:1223:59 2h 47m335-23828-4329362000
24100:4803:37 2h 48m338-238094375181510
214:2619:57 5h 31m663-238244372743000
25117:1223:18 6h 6m733-23827-520150830
26100:0001:15 1h 14m150-23823341492200
205:2310:01 4h 38m557-23816345568500
320:5523:59 3h 4m370-23828353805000
27100:0004:36 4h 35m552-2381489031010
209:1012:29 3h 19m400-2381588851210
28102:3908:04 5h 24m650-238175176265600
218:5421:50 2h 55m352-238315181152900
29100:0001:15 1h 15m151-238215211531310
217:5723:59 6h 2m725-238255208972400
30109:0016:19 7h 19m879-238152096706300
31103:2209:12 5h 50m702-238161935071170
220:0222:03 2h 1m244-23830193449720
32100:3106:49 6h 17m756-238145132404700
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of REF minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of REF minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
Local reference is a caesium beam standard S/N 299 and has an uncalibrated time offset.
Generated by v1.0.3