GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60704

As viewed from GNSS receiver in Port Melbourne,Melbourne
Latitude -37.8284, longitude 144.9363, height 19 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1102:2607:59 5h 33m667-23914-10824815800
212:5715:33 2h 35m312-23912-1091268300
2102:2007:35 5h 14m630-239052324425400
212:2215:23 3h 1m363-238982321503110
3103:2409:58 6h 33m787-23908-6785624800
4104:2111:45 7h 24m889-23907-5431174700
5110:1813:19 3h 0m362-23906176516740
218:0223:27 5h 24m650-239151765441050
6106:3609:34 2h 58m357-239051275787800
214:2219:45 5h 23m647-2390712841113700
7107:0514:22 7h 17m875-23906-105081350
8100:1604:45 4h 29m539-23906-4940563400
208:5813:20 4h 21m524-23909-4942853300
9105:4412:49 7h 5m852-23908-57106210800
10100:0005:33 5h 32m666-239082724358900
222:1423:59 1h 45m212-239152735673100
11108:0709:41 1h 34m189-239027260951120
215:1721:12 5h 55m711-239087260331910
12114:5021:43 6h 53m828-239115433581220
13111:0816:29 5h 21m644-23904-718842940
221:1523:59 2h 44m329-23913-7188861110
14109:4917:01 7h 12m865-23906-6128805100
15100:0001:34 1h 34m189-23914-2810231500
212:2416:33 4h 9m499-23901-2812281700
320:4323:59 3h 16m393-23917-2813691400
16100:0001:34 1h 34m189-23900424831100
205:5410:45 4h 50m582-23907422254500
321:3423:59 2h 25m291-23911417392700
17104:3405:39 1h 5m131-23902-4759472000
211:3517:32 5h 56m714-23909-47533511300
18100:0002:44 2h 44m329-23910632009840
219:1423:59 4h 45m572-23916631872910
19112:2918:56 6h 27m775-23902-6158433600
20108:5612:38 3h 41m444-23906-390614750
217:0421:59 4h 55m592-23910-390609710
21No data
22110:4017:55 7h 15m871-23905707671610
23100:0003:36 3h 35m432-23910-4369413000
220:4323:59 3h 16m393-23917-4374922400
24100:2003:08 2h 48m338-239114347851600
213:5719:29 5h 32m665-239084345473100
25116:4322:49 6h 6m734-23914-519850780
26104:5709:33 4h 36m553-23909440367900
220:2723:59 3h 32m425-23918448936000
27100:0004:07 4h 7m495-239058473840
208:4212:01 3h 18m398-2390984521210
322:4823:59 1h 11m143-239108424520
28102:1007:36 5h 26m653-239065230814700
218:2721:21 2h 54m350-239195235582600
29117:3023:59 6h 29m780-239125186932700
30108:3115:51 7h 19m880-239052044196300
31102:5208:43 5h 51m703-239061928881980
219:3221:34 2h 2m245-23920192829710
32100:0006:21 6h 21m763-239065087205300
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of REF minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of REF minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
Local reference is a caesium beam standard S/N 299 and has an uncalibrated time offset.
Generated by v1.0.3