GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60708

As viewed from GNSS receiver in Port Melbourne,Melbourne
Latitude -37.8284, longitude 144.9363, height 19 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1102:1007:44 5h 34m669-23956-11748115800
212:4015:17 2h 36m314-23955-1183327600
2102:0407:18 5h 14m630-239472291865700
212:0615:07 3h 1m363-239442288893010
3103:0809:41 6h 32m786-23952-6808564600
4104:0511:29 7h 23m888-23950-5451154400
5110:0213:02 3h 0m362-23947176857940
217:4623:11 5h 25m651-239571768821030
6106:2009:18 2h 58m357-239451364117600
214:0719:29 5h 22m646-2395013723413700
7106:4814:06 7h 17m876-23949-104821750
8100:0004:29 4h 28m538-23949-4965674000
208:4213:04 4h 21m524-23950-4967883400
9105:2812:33 7h 5m851-23951-57602310800
10100:0005:16 5h 16m633-239472777508300
221:5723:59 2h 2m245-239562788713900
11107:5009:25 1h 35m191-239377254621310
215:0120:56 5h 55m711-239507253871820
12114:3421:27 6h 53m828-239535440551140
13110:5216:13 5h 21m644-23945-719268920
220:5923:59 3h 0m361-23956-7193141230
14109:3316:44 7h 11m864-23950-6153025100
15100:0001:18 1h 18m157-23952-2825821900
212:0816:17 4h 8m498-23947-2827911700
320:2723:59 3h 32m426-23958-2829301300
16100:0001:18 1h 17m156-23948392391200
205:3810:28 4h 50m582-23947389924300
321:1723:59 2h 42m325-23950385042900
17104:1705:23 1h 5m132-23941-4696971900
211:1817:15 5h 57m716-23951-46908311500
18100:0002:28 2h 28m297-239506313351240
218:5823:59 5h 1m604-23955631191910
19112:1218:39 6h 26m774-23946-6174023300
20108:4012:21 3h 41m443-23944-390548820
216:4621:44 4h 57m596-23953-390547720
21No data
22110:2317:38 7h 15m871-23948713211720
23100:0003:19 3h 19m399-23948-4395152800
220:2723:59 3h 32m426-23957-4400672300
24100:0502:52 2h 47m335-239484331921710
213:4119:12 5h 31m664-239524329413100
25116:2622:33 6h 6m734-23957-519657790
26104:3909:17 4h 38m558-23949495588300
220:1123:59 3h 48m458-23956504356400
27100:0003:51 3h 50m462-239518228820
208:2411:44 3h 20m401-2394982111410
322:3223:59 1h 27m175-239488184610
28101:5507:21 5h 26m653-239515261385400
218:1021:05 2h 54m350-239605266102600
29117:1323:59 6h 46m813-239535174322900
30108:1515:34 7h 19m880-239462014136400
31102:3608:27 5h 51m703-2395119253210100
219:1621:18 2h 2m245-23959192477730
32100:0006:05 6h 5m731-239485060984800
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of REF minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of REF minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
Local reference is a caesium beam standard S/N 299 and has an uncalibrated time offset.
Generated by v1.0.3