GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60670

As viewed from AU06 GNSS receiver in Lindfield, Sydney
Latitude -33.7828, longitude 151.1517, height 99 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
1No data
2104:4910:12 5h 22m645-472830905300
213:5717:52 3h 54m469-412828244500
3106:1212:39 6h 27m774-49-6330795300
4106:4414:28 7h 44m928-45-5020414400
5100:0002:03 2h 3m246-49197059400
212:4315:35 2h 52m342-421971191000
320:2523:59 3h 34m430-48197145400
6108:5911:51 2h 52m344-51725677900
216:4422:15 5h 31m663-497348216500
7109:2217:05 7h 42m926-4714447800
8102:4507:10 4h 25m532-47-4470964100
211:0715:47 4h 40m561-41-4473514000
9108:1114:57 6h 46m812-46-50313810700
10100:3408:25 7h 51m943-4924969712500
11117:3823:57 6h 19m760-50752634300
12117:1223:56 6h 43m808-495607192200
13100:0002:50 2h 50m341-50-691329500
213:3719:08 5h 30m660-49-6914041420
322:5723:59 1h 2m125-39-691429700
14112:0919:52 7h 43m927-47-5679336400
15100:0003:56 3h 56m474-50-2440401900
214:5118:48 3h 57m474-49-2442802300
16100:1103:53 3h 41m441-44939363700
208:2013:13 4h 53m587-45936344400
17113:4420:17 6h 32m786-44-50238010800
18100:0005:25 5h 25m652-53659639710
221:3323:59 2h 26m294-45659589500
19114:4021:41 7h 1m844-43-5786683800
20111:2814:59 3h 31m423-42-367621520
219:3223:59 4h 27m535-47-367617400
21104:0809:37 5h 29m659-46-984461500
214:3717:11 2h 34m309-41-985201300
23100:0006:02 6h 2m721-52-3910685000
222:5523:59 1h 4m130-34-3916121200
24103:0905:38 2h 29m299-50470204600
216:3022:04 5h 34m670-504700191700
25100:0001:26 1h 26m172-43-497698610
206:4508:30 1h 45m212-42-497685510
319:1823:59 4h 41m563-49-497668700
26100:0003:12 3h 12m386-45227525200
207:1812:01 4h 43m566-49231717600
322:5923:59 1h 0m122-41239011400
27101:2106:41 5h 20m641-4633775500
210:1914:29 4h 10m499-4133768700
28104:3710:06 5h 28m657-495185406100
220:5623:26 2h 30m301-435190963000
29100:0002:57 2h 57m353-47552748900
220:0223:59 3h 57m476-485525091500
30110:4818:30 7h 42m924-472529246900
31105:0411:21 6h 17m755-49219182600
222:1223:40 1h 28m177-44219146410
32102:1209:05 6h 53m828-485528194900
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of UTC(AUS) minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of UTC(AUS) minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
UTC(AUS) is maintained within a nominal 1 microsecond of UTC.
Generated by v1.0.3