GPS Space Vehicle Time Integrity for MJD 60679

As viewed from AU06 GNSS receiver in Lindfield, Sydney
Latitude -33.7828, longitude 151.1517, height 99 m
GPS (ns)
SV (ns)
Std. dev.
> 4 std. dev.
> 500 ns
2104:1309:37 5h 23m647-632760794900
213:2117:15 3h 53m467-582758105200
3105:2811:41 6h 13m747-62-6392704900
4106:0813:51 7h 43m926-58-5067114300
5100:0001:26 1h 26m174-71197912400
212:1214:58 2h 46m333-671979681000
319:4823:59 4h 11m503-76197992500
6108:2711:13 2h 46m332-62940447700
216:1221:39 5h 27m655-749492815100
7108:4516:28 7h 42m926-6213854610
8102:0906:33 4h 24m529-67-4536003400
210:3015:11 4h 40m562-52-4538374600
9107:3614:41 7h 5m851-57-51520810900
10100:0107:48 7h 47m935-6926197613600
11117:0023:19 6h 19m760-77752303900
12116:3723:30 6h 53m824-755624571600
13100:0002:13 2h 13m268-70-692383300
213:0118:31 5h 29m659-66-6924481000
322:2123:59 1h 38m197-84-692500310
14111:2819:15 7h 47m935-66-5736826700
15100:0003:26 3h 26m412-74-2475601500
214:1418:10 3h 56m473-68-2477891900
322:2323:59 1h 36m193-80-247914800
16100:0003:14 3h 14m390-71865413000
207:4412:39 4h 55m591-56862645000
17113:0619:39 6h 33m787-66-48938110400
18100:0004:48 4h 48m577-75658903710
220:5623:59 3h 3m367-81658821200
19114:0421:04 7h 0m841-66-5822904600
20110:5114:23 3h 31m423-60-367399900
218:5523:54 4h 59m600-75-367405300
21103:4408:59 5h 14m629-65-99973600
214:0916:33 2h 24m287-62-1000211600
23100:0005:24 5h 24m648-75-3969914200
222:1523:59 1h 44m208-78-3975501300
24102:2805:02 2h 34m309-72467421600
215:5421:29 5h 34m669-784672142500
25105:4807:53 2h 5m251-51-497298800
218:4023:59 5h 19m640-76-497297600
26100:0002:36 2h 36m314-72341565000
206:4811:25 4h 37m553-59345877100
322:2523:59 1h 34m188-79353252500
27100:4506:05 5h 20m640-68334211100
209:4213:52 4h 10m501-5033426810
28104:0009:30 5h 30m662-655264026700
220:2022:57 2h 37m315-845269172600
29100:0002:20 2h 20m281-76550178900
219:2423:59 4h 35m551-765499281400
30110:1417:54 7h 39m920-632464837000
31104:2710:44 6h 16m753-622185585100
221:3223:03 1h 31m183-81218496500
32101:2808:30 7h 1m843-645477574200
  1. Space vehicle identification number.
  2. The period when the satellite was in view. Each of these blocks is a sequence of measurements longer than 60 minutes, containing no breaks of longer than 60 seconds.
  3. Time at the start of the block (UTC).
  4. Time at the end of the block (UTC).
  5. Length of block.
  6. Number of pseudorange measurements in the block, sampled every 30 s.
  7. Average value of UTC(AUS) minus GPS satellite time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  8. Average value of UTC(AUS) minus space vehicle time during the block, in nanoseconds.
  9. Standard deviation of H during the block, in nanoseconds.
  10. Number of measurements more than 4 standard deviations from the average.
  11. Number of measurements more than 500 ns from the average.
Pseudoranges have been corrected using the broadcast ephemerides and ionosphere model.
UTC(AUS) is maintained within a nominal 1 microsecond of UTC.
Generated by v1.0.3